Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The Finches and Orioles are having a good lunch on my peach and apple trees. I have picked the top half and have a pie tin flashing and making noise but it does not bother the birds one bit! I just saw one fly off so I will have to pick the bottom peaches and freeze them when they become ripe. These are the nicest Gala apples we have in a long time and they are crisp and juicy. Just like the birds like also! The Delicious will not be ready till Sept. The last picture are the tomatoes, corn, asparagus and the apple trees. We have already frozen 14 qt of corn and this is the last planting. We have been eating fresh tomatoes and only canned 3 pts. They seem to be slow ripening this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh so lucky!! You have your own garden!!

Too bad you can't email me some of those apples and tomatoes LOL!!

Take care,