Friday, January 7, 2011

Jane's TIAS Intro

This is Jane's first Tat It and See (TIAS) for 2011. I looked all over for my shuttle to begin the practice piece. I found a bobbin in the gravel outside my studio. So I took a closer look and that is all there was of my shuttle. It must have fallen on the floor and the red, fur ball, culprit was guilty!! It was a Bday gift last year from my daughter. The shuttles (Pop A Bobbin) are made by Jane's sister & husband. Will need to buy another one. They are a little big but like them because of the good tension.
The Continuous Thread Join Technique was interesting.
For more information on the TIAS and bobbins click on Jane's Blog, Tatting and not a Lot Else, on the side bar.


Miranda said...

Isn't it heartbreaking when a favorite shuttle gets damaged? And you can't really get mad at a pet because they don't know any better; chewing is just part of their natural behavior. The good news is, Jane is about to list some more Pop-a-Bobbins. :)

Sally Kerson said...

So sorry to hear of the death of your pop-a-bobbin shuttle, afraid they are not dog proof!! Also the design of them is better than a year ago, they are slightly sleeker. Good luck with the TIAS.

Quayceetatter said...

I still love my Tazzie!!! Taz knows she did a bad thing. She looks up at you with thoes big brown eyes and tail wagging saying "I'm sorry"! We love our animals and they are all well taken care of. Looking forward to a new Pop a bobbin shuttle!!

Ridgewoman said...

Sincerely hope Taz didn’t swallow the little bit that pops out of the bobbin! Our Yorkies competed with books and laptops and the ball of tatting thread. Oh, and the mail! When they were puppies the breeders let them tear up flyers from adverts. So, of course they as puppies went after envelopes. At least with a pup one can put things where they can’t be reached. With Pippa, no place is safe as she can jump at least five ft UP and a good five ACROSS. So takes a bit of planning to tat-proof kitty.
But we love our babies and with those faces, they are forgiven. And shuttles are replaceable. They are not!
happy tatting

Quayceetatter said...

I looked all over the gravel and even ran a magnet over the area but no hook.I hope she didn't swallow it..We had a tom and he was really good in the house. Got our hound dogs goat many times!!(: I never did see him on the counter. Somebody threw him out on the road when he was a kitty and we took him in. Would not stay in the house at night, he had to go roam. Mr Kitty was fixed but loved his night hunting. We think an owl got him.

TAT19540 said...

Bummer about the shuttle. My son has a Basset Hound that he has to watch like a hawk as she will eat anything! I have a couple of spare shuttles and I would be willing to share. Email me at I love my shuttles and Sally is right the new ones are sleeker. Nice job on the practice TIAS. This is my secound one with Jane! They are a hoot!

Quayceetatter said...

Thank you for the kind offer and compliments on my TIAS.. I am waiting for my March Bday and I always ask for money so I can purchase my tatting supplies!!!