Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CQ Journal Project Block one

The CQ Journal Project is a challenge for  crazy quilter's to expand their creativity and improve their individual technical skills. The idea is to complete a block a month and in December one is to put it all together. My goal is to make a lap quilt with 10 inch squares. TAST is to Take A Stitch on Tuesday with Pin Tangles. Every Tuesday a Crazy Quilt Stitch will be given. Please click on the left side bar to see both of these sites and all the wonderful stitching that is being done by Crazy Quilters.
Block one is completed.

The cretan stitch is the last  TAST stitch on this block. The upper left is traditional cretan with sequins and a in the  bead center. The bottom are lazy daisys with a bead.  

 On the lower left is a bigger cretan stitch filled in with Fargo Roses and a few silk ribbon bees.


Julie Romero said...

Very nice...so many things I like about your block, it's triely lovely! I think the center embroidery is my favorite...and the little tatted heart, cute little pattern.

Susan said...

I love how that turned out. I remember looking at your blocks when you made them and thinking those were great centers. You got all the TAST stitches on the block this month, too! Thank you for the close up. I wasn't sure if those were bees in the first picture, but they definitely are! Love them and the butterflies, too. You have some wonderful embellishments on your basic seam treatments - love the feather stitch especially!