Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Nancy Tracy, www.be-stitched.com, has a beautiful cupcake to tat and it looks delicious to eat. It does tat up quickly. I like this pattern as it is totally different than any pattern I have seen and beginner friendly. I have a new student on Thursday and I am sure she will want to tat up a cupcake!! It is so rewarding to see your students complete a project.  The blue cup is 658, Ocean Turquoise; Frosting is 154, Wild Flower Garden; The cherry on top is 671, Christmas Red all done with Lizbeth size 40. I will have to tat one up in size 80 for a smaller version.
The bottom two are tatted Medallions from Nancy Tracy's February newsletter. I added the bead while tatting the center and did not add the outer edge.  Nancy tatted the medallions to her dress for her son's wedding. I am sure it was beautiful.
Here is my new project I was working on while on New York. Very easy and one can tat this anywhere without a pattern. Just need to pay attention to where you are connecting!!  It will take me a year to complete but will be beautiful when the project is finished!! It is all rings, no chains but lots of ends to tie in...ughhh


God's Kid said...

Nice cupcake!! :)
Very nice medallions!! :)
And very pretty project in progress!! :)

Quayceetatter said...

Thank U for your nice comments. All my tatters love the medallions.(: