In another post I wrote about the doily losing its pattern because of the variegated threads. However, using the white then the red to outline it shows off the tatting pattern. There is still one more round to go and it will be in white.
Each motif of the white were individually tatted and joined to the variegated only. When joining the last round with the red thread you had to be careful not to twist the white motif. If it did get twisted you will have the red showing through the picot that you joined with.
Congratulations on your winnings!
Beautiful work. Congratulations!!
Congratulations on your ribbons! Will you be entering anything in the State Fair? I'd love to see your work in person!
Miranda, Albuq is too far to go to enter in State Fair. If closer I would enter. I will see if the girls would like to go to Albuq somethime this fall and meet with you and another lady.
Thanks for all the comments!
This is an email from Kathy, Tatting Tales Blog..
Congratulations on the ribbons! They seem to be fairly judged except for the 'free form' doily. I think it is amazing how you got it to 'work out' and to look so 'natural' as a design, without being symmetrical. I don't think they realized how clever and unique it is!
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